GUESS WHO'S BACK AHHah [center][img=] [b]"Why bother?"[/b] [/center] [center][B][I]HUMAN[/I][/B] [b]Name:[/b] Chieka "Chick" Keatings [b]Age:[/b] 19ish; She's kinda lost count over the years. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Chick used to be a clichéd goody-two-shoes girl who would cry over the smallest things. However, due to the circumstances that she found herself in, her personality took a turn for the worst. Now she's sarcastic, rude and bitter about everything. She's completely devoid of any optimistic thoughts that she may had had before. [b]Relationships:[/b] During the time that she was held by the manager, Chick spent most of her time with Rand. [b]Bio: [/b] Chick was an unwanted person back in her hometown before she got taken. When she got kidnapped, she was taken to a hotel where she was being held captive by a supernatural, Kain, who eventually gave her a chance to earn her freedom. While trying to escape, she met another prisoner, Daniel, and together they tried their best to leave that wretched hotel. But obviously, things didn't go as smoothly as she had hoped. Eventually, they all got separated and each had to deal with their own problems. Once again, Chick became the property of another supernatural, Nixon, and any hope that she had had of escaping was gradually diminishing. To her surprise, he turned out to be just fine. They met Kate and eventually, one thing led to another, and Chick found herself back in the hotel, where she got caught and imprisoned once more. However, there was no getting out of this one. She was met with a grim, dark figure in the cell she was being held who slashed at her until she felt numb, and her consciousness slowly slipped away from her. But instead of waking up surrounded by light and clouds and angels, Chick woke up to another dim room. Somehow or the other, she had survived and was now confined by the man that started it all, the manager. [b]Other:[/b] Returning Character....mehbeh? [i][b](MENTAL)[/b][/i][/center]