Garrok woke up and opened his eyes to find himself on the cold stony floor of an unfamiliar dungeon cell. His head was pounding and he was stripped of his weapons and armor, left with nothing but a pair of roughspun trousers to conceal himself, but he was otherwise strangely uninjured. He blinked the blurriness out of his eyes and looked around, but the dungeon was plain and typical, there was little to be seen. His memory of how he was captured was vague at best, but something told him he’d been caught by someone unknown, some new adversary that fate had placed in his path. When he moved to rub the pain from his forehead, he was stopped by the sizable steel manacles that pinned his arms to the wall. He grunted in annoyance and flexed his thick arms, trying to pull himself loose from his confines. The steel binds creaked and moaned under the pressure, but didn’t give in. With time he might have been able to pull them from their sockets, but it would do him little good as he would still be trapped behind the thick metal bars of his cell, far too closely spaced for his large frame to squeeze through. That’s when the little girl appeared outside his cell and made her offer. She was only a child and small enough that he might trip over her if he wasn’t careful, seemingly out-of-place in a location like this. Regardless, potentially getting himself killed in an escape attempt was a better fate than being stuck here as a prisoner. “Yes, I’ll take it.” he answered in his coarse voice. The girl opened his cell door and then started clumsily climbing up his body, as she was too short to reach his wrists otherwise. She was almost standing on his shoulder by the time she managed to fit the key into the lock and opened the manacles, after which she silently jumped off and continued to the next cell. Garrok stretched his arms and fingers in preparation for whatever might follow as he walked outside into the corridor. He was unarmed and unarmored, but as least fists counted for something. He looked around at the one man that had been freed before him and the several other individuals still stuck in their cells. Some looked more combat capable than others, but something told him they’ll need all the help they can get to make their way out of here.