Hustle, and bustle... It was always like this; always had, and always will be. People in suits, and office men with suitcases, what was new? The glory of traffic went by as the only thing that made this place seem like human was a sweet symphony coming from a worn-out violin. A blue-haired lad was playing it, his eyes closed in concentration. The boy was playing the classic Canon; a very popular piece on the violin. The busy people merely rolled their eyes, and as if out of pity, they dropped some coins into the tin can in front of the musician. Each time a coin was dropped, the lad would open his eyes and nod, and smile at the people who had been generous. Suddenly, a young boy walked up to the musician as his sparkly innocent eyes goggled on his violin. "Hey mister! It's my birthday! Can you play me the happy birthday song?" the boy requested with such enthusiasm as the blue-haired lad chuckled, and nodded. In a short while, it was the classic 'Happy Birthday' melody that was playing in the air. In a matter of minutes, the melody finished, leaving the boy smiling. Just as the boy was about to say something, the parents of the lad came by, and quickly dragged the boy away from lad. "Happy birthday, sport!" the musician shouted as the kid looked back. "Hey mister, what's your name?!" "Mory." Mory replied with a small smile as he slumped down; looking at his can which contained a total of 2 dollars. "God must be happy with me." Mory grinned as his eye caught another beggar; a few blocks down with no one paying attention to him. Mory clenched his fist as he sighed and smiled. The lad stood up, and walked down to the old beggar, and without hesitating, he placed the two dollars inside the beggar's can. The lad chuckled as he scurried back into his position, playing the Canon once more. Suddenly, he saw a bunch of policemen apparently chasing a girl down a few buildings. Now that was one thing; what surprised Mory was the fact that the girl JUMPED DOWN the tall ass building. "Good lord... Did she survive?" Mory mumbled as he picked up his can, containing a dollar, and his violin. He quietly walked near the scene; seeing another girl. Making it look like, he wasn't interested, Mory set down his can and began to play another melody, the Happy Birthday... once more. "Those policemen won't be far..." Mory smiled as he kept playing the tune; still keeping his eyes on the women.