Anedine, back ago, was asked by the black-armed David, to which she replied, "Uh, so you've found it out? It's kind of creepy, but since it's normal in this school.." She trembled for a bit, then uncovered her face, looking at him. "David, it's okay. Nothing to worry about." Anedine slowly noticed more that Ryuu was becoming a bit more attached to her. This she did not mind for long. Anedine took a quick glance to all the people within the halls, including the strange boy that passed by. By any moment that passes, she becomes more familiar with the students of Athalia. She had been glad for a moment, but then remembered [i]him[/i]. Yes, the boy back then. She stepped in between the group, then with a quick debate in her head, began to say something. "Uhh, should we do something about that man over there?" She pointed to Isse, who stepped slower and slower as he becomes more noticed. "I know you people may not be familiar with him, even without a single bit of what you know about him, but..." She shut her eyes tight. "He looks too down."