Marc shifted uncomfortable in his position. "I had to focus on finding wardens first, our order is of paramount importance to killing the archdemon, we have a chance without them but without us there is no chance. So I've been sending recruits to the generals out of country." He rested his palm on his pommel. "I can't tell you why, not now at least, but that is the reason I have not looked for armies yet." Levine reached into the right front side of his belt where a small leather pouch rested, from inside he removed a piece of yellow parchment, stained and wrinkled it was obviously older than anybody now living. "This document was signed after the end of the fifth blight, it simply renewed the promise that the leaders of Ferelden would lend their aid to us in times of blight. What you must realize, however, is that the wardens of the fifth blight had troubles recruiting all of those who were obligated to help, so I needed a party with me to help should problems arise that we must solve before we can move on and eventually earn their allegiance." He rolled it up and placed it back into his pouch. "There's not a lot we can do if they flat out tell us no, but hopefully Arl Cunnington will consider his contractual honor, and if not, you three will have to help me to try and convince him." Marc finished.