"I'm not a school child, I'm a dectective and a youkai hunter!" Jun protested as he slid into a seat next to Hanako. Well, he [i]was[/i] a school child really, but it was important to be a professional when you were on a case and today definitely seemed like a professional day to the nine-year-old. He liked Yumiko considering she was generally nice and usually smelled like flowers instead of cigarette smoke, although truthfully since he mostly associated that particular smell with home these days he didn't hate it nearly as much as he pretended. As he buckled himself into his seat he pulled out another ofuda from the pocket-dimensional depths of his jacket pockets and slapped it onto his seat belt where it glowed slightly before sticking in place, then did the same to Hanako's seat belt. once that was done he suddenly seemed even more excited than he'd been before, wriggling in his seat despite his earlier attempts at professionalism. "Are we gonna go soon? I wanna see this mansion!" There were other reasons he was excited for the trip, but he'd lived with Toshiko for long enough that they didn't seem worth mentioning.