"You're a psychopath how dresses like a Hawk to beat up a woman." She shook her head, half of her refusing to take his help but the other half pushed her ego aside and took his help getting to her feet. Glad she was wearing flats instead of boots she caught her balance better and quickly shook herself out of his grasp, not giving him a single reason to hold onto her any longer. The last thing she needed was for him to think he could drag her ass to jail just because he caught her in the explosion. Psychotic super hero wannabe loser now having to light shit on fire just to capture her. Well she wasn't going down at easily!! Before she could yell more insulting and smart-mouthed comments to him, a voice from across the street echoed over the flames and the collapsing buildings. Her head turned and her green contacted covered eyes landed on the White suite dressed man. Her eyebrows rose under her mask as she listened to him speak. Oh this is bad, this is very bad. His voice didn't sound familiar but she felt as though she knew that type of talk, as if she had heard it somewhere in her lifetime before. Confusion moved across her face as he started to walk away; saying something about bloodshed across the city if they were to get in his way. Well, there's a big difference between blood and burglary. She didn't mind hurting people financially but physically wasn't her forte. "I don't know but I gotta run. That's something the moronic cops won't ignore." With that she disappeared into the night, jewels with her. The next morning rolled around and Andrea Collins rolled herself out of bed, her body aching with pain as she placed her small feet on the cold hardwood floor of her studio apartment. Her place wasn't fancy, a couch with a TV, sowing machine on the table in the corner with a chair, kitchen and attached bathroom. Aside from that the only thing impressive was her three screened, two towered powered computer against the far wall. Oh she was a genius when it came to computers but did anyone give her the time of day? No not really. The only thing that helped her out was the job she had with Cole Industries. The inventors of most of the towns security systems, electrical equipment and media broadcasting tools; she worked her ass off and only got paid minimum wage, are you surprised now that she turned to robbing people? Dressing for the day in her causal business clothes she put her white blonde hair up into a pony tail and blinked her blue eyes. Removing the red lipstick she had warn the night before, she replaced it with a soft pink before leaving the house and locking it behind her. She didn't have a car because she didn't get paid enough to purchase one but she was lucky that the town had a good public transportation. Shivers moved through her as she used the tunnel though, she hated to think the crazy guy from last night was in the city still. Her body ached as she walked up the stairs out of the tunnel from her train ride. Letting out a long sigh, she climbed the stairs to the building and entered inside, flashing her bags to the security officer who didn't really seem to care. Her cubical was boring but the white haired blonde didn't care. Placing her bag under desk, she slid herself into her seat and opened her computer to see an email. Her eyes went wide seeing the important note; the owner of the company and half the town was going to be in the building. Oh wow, something's going on.