Lexy landed on the ground her feet hitting it with a dull thud, knees bent so that the blow of landing didn't go all the way up her body and break her legs, didn't stop the ground shock though as she was soon standing on one foot hopping around a little while holding her second foot and leg "Ground shock ,ground shock, not nice should have through that through" She said with a groan and in a rather sing song voice, but she didn't seem that hurt or sorry for her bad decision making. It took Lexy a good few seconds to remember the other girl that she almost landed on, placing her foot down and standing normally as she grinned widely to Roxy "Oh yea almost forgot about you. Hey there, Sorry for almost squishing you, good thing that you were able to move out the way" She chuckled as she spoke before holding out her right hand "The names Lexy, or Lex what ever you want I don't care" she said randomly introducing herself. It was this moment that the sound of breaking glass hit Lexy's ears, her eyes going wide and her body jerking as the sound of the bottle breaking startled Lex, her head glancing over to the remains of the glass, her Hazel eyes then moving up the building walls to see a boy standing up there "Well thank god it isn't the cops, But I see we have another visitor" She grinned, not that she ever stopped grinning "Hey kid!, Why don't you drop by?" She offered making a joke to how she 'dropped by' "We won't bite, well I won't I'm not sure about her" She jerked a thumb towards Roxy as she joked.