Dakoda shuffled through the crowd of students with her trusty campus map in hand, silently taking in the beauty of the day. [i]''Thank you Sisters for having started that fund for me."[/i] she thought to herself, recalling for a moment how the Nuns of the Holy Trinity Church had put her on display to the congregation Sunday after Sunday to have happy families donate to the future of an unfortunate Orphan. So lost in her thought, Koda stumbled over her own two feet and almost toppled directly on top of... a young girl? Brushing the shock from her face, she could see the girl was bleeding slightly and immediately offered her hand. "Oh my goodness. Are you alright?" she asked, a warm genuine smile crossing her face. The poor girl looked as though she was on the verge of tears and Dakoda couldn't let that happen. "Please don't cry. I won't be able to stop myself from joining you if you do." she half chuckled at the confession, helping the girl up. "I'm Dakoda, but you can call me Koda for short." She took the chance to glance down at her map once more. "It looks like the nurse is near the dormitories. May I accompany you there?"