Harrison stood amongst the crowd staring at the flight timetable hanging above. All flights to and from London were cancelled. In fact, all flights to and from anywhere were cancelled. This created great frustration for Harrison. He can't afford to spend even one more day in America. He has no change of clothes for the following morning and no place to sleep for that matter either. He would have booked a hotel but there is no way in or out of the terminal. everywhere you look there are soldiers marching up and down the terminal floor like mechanical robots. They were packed like Arnold Schwarzenegger. They were wearing fully blown body armor with grenades and big guns. Not regular guns that Harrison normally sees at most major airports but BIG guns. Harrison sat down at the nearest seat and took a closer look around. This was not normal and it doesn't take an idiot to notice that something is very wrong. Windows are being boarded, announcements are being loudly made across the terminal and people are on edge and more paranoid than a junkie on LSD. According to the general speaking through terminal speakers, the whole place has been locked down into quarantine. This caught Harrison's attention and made his heart leap in fear. He was a doctor for nearly two decades and has read on famous quarantine cases around the world and even experienced minor ones himself. This is nothing like anything he has read about. The first thing he knows about a major quarantine case is that if it is so bad that the military is called in then usually they were simple soldiers, used to scare and control. The men here look like they are prepared for an invasion, but an invasion of what? Secondly, the windows are boarded up to the extreme. Harrison assumed this is to stop people from getting out but there appears to be very little patrol by the boarded up the windows. He can see lots outside but why not inside. Boarded up windows won't prevent disease from getting in. So what else are they trying to prevent? Harrison decided to take out his smartphone and searched up local news stories. Each one he looks at mention a high number of Hospital admissions and words like 'virus' and 'contagious' but they are still vague and confusing. None of them are specific to why the military is needed or why every flight is canceled. One of the articles mentioned people fainting as well as excessive vomiting and bleeding. The symptoms have no correlation to the excessive military control around him. He gives a worrying sigh and places his phone away. He stands up to go get himself some sort of drink. On the way he hears a deafening gunshot and the roar of a crowd. He looks behind to see people screaming at the site of a dead kid with a bullet in his head. Harrison noticed the pile of stale vomit around the boy. Was he infected? Harrison thought. He has read of cases of extreme quarantine control but none have ever mentioned shooting a child on sight. Harrison ignored this out of denial and partly fear. He continues to drag himself to the nearest airport bar which was still open. The bartender was washing a glass with a cloth and staring intently at the TV screen. It was a CNN news story about the events happening in L.A. People were running and screaming and in the far distance you can see other people chasing after them but they didn't seem like people. There was...something peculiar about them. Before Harrison could make it out, the camera fell to the ground smashed with a giant crack on the screen. The TV went blank with its 'off the air' screen. The bartender went immediately to the phone, ignoring Harrison at the bar. "Hey! Can I get a drink, please?", asked Harrison. The man continued to ignore, his fingers were nervously twiddling on the wires. It seemed like he was calling someone important to him. Harrison started to get impatient. "Hey! Over here!", shouted Harrison. The man continued to ignore him. "Fuck sake..", he said under his breath. He then reached under the bar and took out a small bottle of Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey whisky. "Jackpot", he said again under his breath. The man was unaware of this but even if he was, it was the least of his problems. Harrison walked out of the bar and into a fast food restaurant nearby. Just in case the bartender does care about his alcohol. He took a plastic 'coca-cola' cup and filled it with some whisky. He sat down at a table not so far from an interracial couple across another table nearby. They seemed to be the only few people in the fast food place. The staff were either busy on their phones looking for loved ones or were not caring at all and using the situation to slack off. Either way, Harrison didn't care. He continued to take sips of the cup, watching the whole terminal shape and shift from an airport to a police state. All he could do was watch.