The light being hadn't appeared to do much other than explode, but the soldiers in its vicinity began screaming and swinging their weapons wildly. Some tried to run, but tripped over their fellows or were cut down by others. One of them seemed to be throwing darts of purple energy and wielding a sword at the same time, slicing through the horde like butter. Eventually the last of the soldiers had run off. Magus felt a twinge of envy. Everyone else had magic which they could actually use in combat. He could have done similar things, he knew it. If he'd had the time; if he hadn't lost that book- He blinked. Or tried to, as he had no eyelids. What was so important about the book? The man with the bow looked round at everyone. His eyes changed to what Magus supposed were wolf eyes. They definitely didn't look human anymore. "Who are the rest of you? Where do you come from and why are you here? Are you involved with these strange happenings?" Where had he come from? He tried to think back, but he only got vague flashes: an imposing stone building, rooms filled with books; one of them with a bed and table piled with scrolls and dusty tomes... Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the leaves on the trees rustle. He turned in that direction as a party of soldiers rode into the clearing. "Captain Amaron, who are these people?!" Bows were raised and pikes pointed at them as they spoke, and Magus couldn't help but flinch. "What's the idea? We just helped you!" The barbarian yelled. The wolf-eyed man, Amaron, nodded, "But until I know who you are and where you come from you are to not be trusted... So then, SPEAK!" he ordered. Magus frowned as a woman with a bow and the man who had been throwing purple energy darts earlier stepped forward and gave their names. He had never heard of the Quelens Empire, or Nevisin. If they were all called from different worlds in the same way, why didn't he remember anything? And what had made him like this? The man stopped speaking, and Magus took that as his cue to step forward. "My name is Magus. I do not remember where I came from, but I believe I was called from my home world like Savin here and transformed into this in the process." He wasn't sure if that had actually happened, but it was his best guess. To the woman, Cryalis, he spoke, "I have never heard of a Quelens Empire either, for whatever that's worth."