Faction Name: The Interplanetary Coalition of Federated Planets (ICFP) Faction Type: Democratic Federation Species: Human is the only species currently however with discovery of other factions others may appear. Scale and Territory: Basic Interstellar; the ICFP is made up of 7 different worlds. The first is the capital world of Stomia, it is heavily populated and is home to the government and economy of the ICFP. The second is Frando, this is the industrial capital of the ICFP. On Frando ores and fuels are mined and created to fuel the work horse that is the ICFP’s military. Alongside this orbital construction yards and planetary factories produce the goods and ships of the ICFP. The third planet is Revl, this is a world perfect for agriculture. Big business owners own country sized plots of lands and grow the food to feed the people. The other planets are Yelan, Hiltoon, Yandis and Kilal. These are less important than the other planets of the ICFP and have only recently been recently been federated. They still are in need for further industrialisation. Although due to this they are popular holiday planets. There just over 17 Billion people living across the federation. Culture: Culture is a Norse style, futuristic human style. This means high rise buildings with neon colours however most look like they are made of grey stone, granite and are adorned with sculpts of wolves and tundra scenes. People are bold and brash, despite this however politics are smart and political manoeuvres are as common as the fights that break out in markets and hab blocks. With most of the federated worlds only recently industrialised or industrialising the newer planets lack most of the height and colour of the big cities. The ICFP is run in the following way. -The President Controls the ICFP absolutely however he normally gives over jobs to his committee. -The Presidents Committee are chosen by the President and are delegated jobs by him as he wishes. -The Planetary Council are the elected officials of the different planets. Each Planet gets 100 seats and these are allocated to each party in the planet according to how many votes they get. This is just a basic run through. History: WIP Technology: The ICFP currently uses Nuclear fusion engines to power all of their Space Craft as well as their industry. There is no FTL technology yet in the ICFP however a majority of the research funds are being pumped into its development. Guns and artillery use a mostly Railgun tech whilst in space there is also early plasma rounds. The industry of the ICFP is made up of a mixture of sleek looking machines inside the archaic looking buildings. Military Forces: The ICFP’s military is known as the CEF or Coalition Expeditionary Force. The following units make up the entire CEF. -Shock Trooper- 1.5 Million. Armed with a basic Railgun Rifle, Ballistic Pistol, Combat Knife and Combat Armour. [hider=Appearance][img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/033/d/0/future_assault_trooper_concept_art_by_fonteart-d5tk3y7.jpg][/hider] -Light Invasion Armour- 750,000. Has a large Railgun main armament with machine gun mounted on top. [hider=Appearance][img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/331/0/d/light_hover_tank_by_jsfantasy-d5lz8wv.jpg][/hider] -Heavy Invasion Armour- 100,000. 4 Large Railgun main armament with sponson machine gun turrets and 4 missile tubes. [hider=Appearance][img=http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/087/d/8/osiris_heavy_support_unit__by_doug7070-d4u9njp.png][/hider] -Artillery Unit- 250,000. Guass Cannon and twin machine guns. [hider=Appearance][img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs16/f/2007/194/6/2/Future_arty___Yank_by_JanBoru_by_weaponry_guild.jpg][/hider] -Decimator Class Mothership- 3. [hider=Appearance][img=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/224/b/2/huaxia_battleship_by_vattalus-d6hsajc.jpg][/hider] -Firestorm Class Destroyer- 8. [hider=Appearance][img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs10/i/2006/133/f/b/Destroyer_by_the_least.jpg][/hider] -Lightning Class Gunboat- 25. [hider=Appearance][img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/273/3/e/uss_calahan_destroyer_by_artraccoon-d5gf8kh.jpg][/hider] -Tornado Class Aerospace Fighter/Bomber- 65,000. [hider=Appearance][img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/293/5/a/apex_aerospace_fighter_by_progenitor89-d314o96.png][/hider] -Meteor Class Bomber- 80,000. [hider=Appearance][img=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/146/d/6/kitanian_fighter_in_combat_by_desuran-d5189mu.jpg][/hider] -Solar Class Fighter- 115,000. [hider=Appearance][img=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs10/PRE/i/2006/080/4/0/Thunderbolt_Light_Fighter_by_Balthaser.jpg][/hider] Character List [hider=President Otto Von Klebb]Character Name: Otto Von Klebb Physical Description: Otto is a tall man with long, straight, grey dark hair that sits just above his shoulders. He has a weathered face that is also quite long, along with a scar that crosses from his left eye to the side of his mouth. He is normally in sate garb which is a black duster adorned with his family Sigil of a wolf howling. He also has a white shirt and a pair of slim trousers. He also puts his medals of service on his duster, which represent his years of service in the political system. Personality: Otto is a patient man, he is not afraid to do the dirty things to keep the ICFP alive however he ways up his options on every major decision. He is a diplomat of the finest sort and treats his everyday life as if he were dealing with other planetary ambassadors. Skills: As mentioned above Otto is a very skilled ambassador and is used to brokering deals and pacts in the most dire of situations. He is also a skilled politician however he lacks any real military prowess and so leaves battle and war plans to his Admirals and Chief Sergeant at Arms. History: Born on Stomia Otto was raised to be a diplomat, his father was one and so was his grandfather, all of them very wealthy. He was brought up in and amongst the rich and powerful of Stomia making him a lot of friends in the process. He used these friends to good use when beginning his climb up the political ladder at the young age of 13. He began life as the Mayor for a town in the country side, before the world became metropolised. It was only an honouree title to secure his families patronage for the town and he was supposed to treat it as a such however he begun making changes immediately. Drawing together plans and very soon the town was growing experientially with a large budget to boot. From there the sky was the limit as he won regional elections at the age of 21, the youngest man ever to do so. Here he become close friends with the previous President, a man by the name of Golt Zieglar. Zieglar was a moron and a fool, put in charge of the ICFP to further industrial companies hold on the planets being federated. Otto saw the need for change and begun sponsoring the leading party to put stronger men in more important positions. This of course pissed off the industries and more than once Otto had attempts on his life. Finally after of years of being behind the scenes Otto was pushed to the front. The party decided to put him forward as a part of the planetary council. He was rushed in with an almost 70% approval rating. WIP[/hider] [Hider=Chief Sergeant at Arms, Wilhelm Gregoc] Character Name: Wilhelm Gregoc Physical Description: Wilhelm is a bear of a man, he is just over 6 ft 5 and is about as as wide as a tree. He has short buzz cut grey hear and a number of smaller scars on his arms, legs and cheeks. His face is wrinkled mostly from stress however it is tough like steel. His eyes are a dark brown and sit deep in his face. He is normally dressed in his old recruit uniform, he wears it to show those around him that he was a soldier and knows exactly how a battlefield works. He also puts his valour medals on his uniform. Personality: Wilhelm is a very cold man, when he speaks he has no emotion in his voice. He deals with situations viciously and ruthlessly. In his mind there is no room for mistakes, he has gone through more lieutenants than meals. Skills: Wilhelm is a master tactician and is heralded with masterminding the Federation of a number of planets. However his diplomacy is far from adequate, whenever dealing with foreign dignitaries he is almost always being babysat so as not to say something INCREDIBLY offensive. History: WIP[/hider] [hider=Grand Admiral Juns Klin] Character Name: Juns Klin Physical Description: Juns is a short round man, he has a slight paunch and an incredibly long moustache that trails down either side of his lip like a mouse’s tail. He has black hair that he dyes monthly and oils back sleekly. His face is smooth but sullen and an incredibly long nose for his size. He is dressed in a navy blue uniform reminiscent of a modern day American admirals however with a large black stripe down the middle of his back. Personality: Juns is a man who is never pleased, he is able to organise and coordinate ships at break neck speeds however this means he finds most other captains and men in power slow and irritable. He will always try the diplomatic route however when his men are in danger he will have no problem callng in the full might of the CEF Navy. Skills: As mentioned above he is a master at organising and coordinating navies. Though his actual battle plans normally require refinement that is what he has a circle of advisors from his days as a captain for. History: WIP[/hider]