Edmodo frowned, disappointed with the fact that no one was using his wall. So, without further ado, he decided to throw the wall away before running toward some Counter-Terrorists, still half-naked. [img=http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/NarayanK/1b8ca6dd-f3b7-45f3-b4ef-bde287e62608_zpsaca57266.jpg] "Whoa, WHOA, [B][I]WHOA!!! WHAT THE F-CK?! SHOOT HIM DOWN![/I][/B]" [img=http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/NarayanK/9ba65d40-a669-4e6e-b801-7e9be721943f_zps2b4a5a10.jpg] "Oh, God. Is that a loincloth, a towel, or a freaking piece of paper he's wearing?" [img=http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/NarayanK/b6388ce3-803d-4970-94ab-754b2f5ff23a_zpsc80252ce.png] "No, can do. I'm afraid you are ruining the beauty of [s]Porkchop[/s] Texas." With that said, Edmodo suddenly took out a Bluray DVD of "Final Destination," opening it and inserting the disc into his mouth. The two Counter-Terrorists in front of him froze in terror. Suddenly, a train with Theodore Roosevelt's face came out of nowhere, crashing into the Counter-Terrorists before disappearing out of the roleplay. Noob simply watched the catastrophe occur and stop ever-so-quickly. As expected, Edmodo was being extremely retarded and ignoring logic again. Without further ado, Noob simply grunted in the car seat (directed at Edmodo): [img=http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/NarayanK/d85bd71a-6056-47e7-9da5-75a01daba9ad_zps71c79713.png] "You f-cking nooblord." --- [b][u]22 Counter Terrorists Remain![/u][/b] [b][u]12 More To Go Before The Mini Boss Appears![/u][/b]