The building smelled of rot and death. The once blue walls were now faded and cracked, no doubt the result of abuse from weather and time. The floor creaked, threatening to collapse onto the many floor below. Beside the doorway lay a pile of corpses. All had a bullet lodged right in their heads. Victoria roamed around the room. She knew she wasn't allowed in place like these. Zombies lurked around every corner and there was always a chance of the aged buildings caving in. But damn, were these places absolutely [i]fascinating[/i]! If the building hadn't already been looted, then there were all sorts of things to find. And if Victoria did get in trouble, she could say that she was just doing her job of killing the undead. [i]"Yo, Victoria,"[/i] a voice filtered out of her intercom. [i]"Anything to report? Like a kill or an usual thing? Like your ass? Damn girl, I'd love to hit that. Would please go out with me?"[/i] Victoria grinned. Mission Control. They were almost adorable, the way they acted. Almost. "Five kills," she answered back. "Me. You. Tonight. 7:30. I'll be waiting, Victoria over." She had no intentions of following along with this plan. All the more reason to humour them. She chuckled and turned around. Her smile quickly dropped. Less than three feet away, a zombie stood. It staggered and groaned; definitely not an intelligent one. It lumbered toward the girl, letting out a guttural growl. Muttering an "oh shit", Victoria whipped out her gun. She sidestepped before the undead could touch her and fired. [i]BAM! BAM! BAM![/i] Two bullets in the chest and one in the skull. The zombie groaned before falling to the ground. Victoria hurried away. No doubt that would have caught some attention.