Cities, good places to run to. Even if you cant make good brawling money. The hustle and bustle of businessmen going to or from work gives you good cover when trying to hide, and then there's the homeless people like that blue haired violinist playing some tune or another. Corey doesn't care about people that mooch off the successful, beggars and the like. All he cares about is not drawing attention to himself, being below the polices radar. and every so often going to an underground fighting pit for some money for food or a ticket to another city. Corey checked his wallet. "Yep, still got the money." he muttered to himself. as he looked up he saw a girl running from police up on the roof tops. "What is that girl think she's doing?" again muttering. As she jumped off the building, he dashed into the opposite alleyway she jumped into and watched to see if she could know him. "I don't think so but it has always benefited me to stay in the shadows." he thought. as more people went into that alleyway, he tensed and hoped no one see's him.