Darkness. Smooth, soft darkness. At least it would be, if it wasn't a foreign darkness. The shadows were made from unnatural stone, and the air felt wet. The cuffs didn't help much either. They held a strange creature by the wrists, and the creature itself had abandoned the thought of escape. The cuffs were too tight to slip out of, and the creature had no knowledge of lock picking. The only thing the creature could do was think of the Past and remember his identity. [i]Kenzo Frey...Iron Tail...[/i] thought the creature. If one was to look closely, they'd see Kenzo's appearance through the darkness. Claws on his hands and feet, fur all over his body, a muzzle. Basically an anthropomorphic mouse or rat, the size of an adult human. He had semi-long hair on his head, and wore nothing but trousers. Kenzo heard movement outside his cell. He could not see its source, for his hair blocked his vision, and his hands were bound. Then, there was a voice. It was a small, light voice. It was that of a child's what was one doing in a place such as this? The child offered to free him and others imprisoned in this place, in exchange of sticking together. Some had already agreed with her. Kenzo also took the offer, but after he was freed, he said, "Child...I follow through with your terms, but I ask you to convince any among us to not attack me."