(Me not own) Since the beginning of time man has battled animals for dominance. Humans eat them, enslave them, and take their homes. A few animals have kindness shown to them. But not many... A school field trip to a wildlife sanctuary changes the life of 10 teens forever when a deranged scientist locks them up. Hidden in a bunker under the ground, he experiments on his captives. Each is injected with drugs that alter their chemical makeup. Each is given the ability to turn into a different animal at will.  "You will all be my ambassadors for a new age, one that will pull humans from their bloody throne"  The scientist is clearly mad, despite his love for the creatures that roam the earth. He mistreats his captives, and keeps them locked in separate rooms while he experiments their new physical limits. One day, the locks on all the cells open. Lying in the hallway is the scientist, lifeless on the floor. There are no signs of a struggle. The captives have been held for six months, with no hope of rescue. How will they react? Do they agree with the scientist? Or do they just want their old lives back? And who can they now trust? The Rules Well if you've read this far then you're interested. Awesome. Rules are always boring, but of course they're necessary . 1. No text speak 2. No Gary/Mary Sues 3. All animals must be realistic, eg: No ten foot tall wolves  4. No power playing please 5. I don't mind language, do your thing. If I was in their situation I'd be cursing like a sailor. 6. Sexual content? To PM, I really don't wanna read that....if I'm not in it. CS: Appearance: Real and Animal Name: Age: Remember, your a teen Animal: History: Optional Crush: Relationship: Old Personality: New Personality: Due to having your genetics changed to that of human and animal your personality has shifted a bit in order to fit the change. Your still you though. Other: Mine: [b]Real:[/b] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/d7/b9/0b/d7b90b3978d0240b7f27fe87b0c3b3f7.jpg[/img] [b]Animal[/b] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/32/ac/fb/32acfb14aac87eeee72849d6f103aea3.jpg[/img] Name: Alice Vermonth Age: 18 Animal: Wolf History: TBR Crush: Open Relationship: Single Old Personality: Kind, Rebellious, Brave, Stubborn, Hotheaded, Short Tempered and Reckless New Personality: Everything else but now she's more Protective, Caring and Smart. Other: -