[center][b]Human[/b] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/250/9/1/leaden_by_yuumei-d6ldde8.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Lee Yun-Hee [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Hunter/Imprisoned:[/b] Imprisoned [b]Personality:[/b] She dislikes upbeat people and often times will try her best to ignore them. Yun-Hee will go her way no matter if she is wrong, she believes she is right and that her opinion is higher than everyone else's. Yun-Hee likes to keep things organized and precise, she's very uptight and gets flustered when things don't go according to plan. She usually sticks the blame on other people if things aren't in his favor because she's "better than that". Most of the time she comes off as unpleasant and pretty much hateable. Yun-Hee will not trust anyone easily (if she can trust at all). She's usually direct and upfront (and expects others to be the same). [b]Relationships:[/b] None at the moment [b]Bio:[/b] Yun-Hee was born having very poor sight in her right eye(and is almost blind in that entire eye), her family on her father's side was known to have extremely poor vision in that eye. In order for her to see things better, she will usually tilt her head to the side and see with her left eye She lived in a small coastal village for most of her life. Yun-Hee's family being foreign had a hard and rather complicated time fitting in, they barely spoke English and could barely fend for themselves. As she aged, her foreign beauty grew with her, her parents cherished and spoiled her. Yun-Hee was forbidden to step foot from her home, fearing that she may be ripped away from her parent's grasp. Their fears became true when they checked on Yun-Hee, she had disappeared from her room, her bed empty and window wide open. --- Mental[/center]