Shock rolled her eyes and then reluctantly nodded at Ditto or ditto clone. Whatever, this whole mess was his fault. But at least he cared to check on her. Maybe out of guilt she supposed. As he picked apart metal scraps, Shock nodded at the other Ditto's advice and started work on molding a barrier around the droids. "Over here!"She yelled to some of the holo-droids in civilian form as they began to huddle together behind the various scraps of metal debris and wreckage. "I wish I could do more than turn into three people..." the Ditto duplicate mummbled in awe at the display of power. The Ditto duplicate then threw himself in harm's way as a telephone and electricity cable came whipping down from some knocked over posts in the larger battle some forty yards away. His suit was insulated for the most part but he still got a little shock. No clue why he thought that the sister of Static wouldn't be able to absorb the electricity. Although Shock could have just absorbed that raw electricity, she had to admit the sight of him throwing himself into harms way had her respect. "You know I could've-"but she just chuckled as he came to the realization. Turning back to the shield around the droids, she was starting to feel like she did earlier today as she noticed a kink in the metal. She needed to give all her attention to this especially with how many pieces of metal she was holding up and together over the people. She began to push the other thoughts from her mind and focused clearly on the holo-droids as if they were in fact real people. She began to sweat. And a stern look was worn across her face almost as if she was about to give birth or do something seriously dificult. Other than the occasional old villain needing taken down in Dakota after Static moved away to NYC, she hasn't had much experience with fighting others with such incredible power. And most civilians in real world situations run like there's no tomorrow. The droids seemed oddly a little more scared than they should have been. "You alright? I'm going to need to focus on this now. Give it all you got over there -- I think I can hold the fort." she smirked and then took on a serious expression holding the walls of the make-shift shelter up and bringing some parts of the downed poll into her construct.