Kiara pulled her hood from her head as she tried to take in everything that had happened since this stupid girl ran into her, literally almost crashing into Kiara. She sighed slightly, her thoughts taking a turn. It wasn't exactly fair to call the girl stupid, after all, just because she was irritated with the situation as a whole. Irritation being her defense mechanism so that she would not be so afraid that she could not even move. What better thing to get your blood going than anger? Kiara wasn't quite to that emotion yet, but she was slowly getting there. Placing a hand to her head in hopes that it would somehow force the information into her mind, she looked around again. So, there was a horse, a boy, a girl, and some dead creatures. [i]Don't forget the broomstick,[/i] she thought sarcastically. Again, not fair to the boy. It was actually a clever idea. In fact, she needed a weapon too. She made a note to keep a look out for anything she could possibly use now that her dagger was lost. Finally, her brain turned to the obvious decision, not able to even comprehend everything else that had happened. Should she go with this girl who appeared even younger than the boy, or go on her own as she had planned to do? It should have been obvious. Anyone else would have chosen to go with this strange girl in a heartbeat, like the boy did. However, Kiara wasn't so simple. She grew up in the streets and had learned early not to trust anyone. Another sigh and she looked back to the boy who stood just as she did. If she let him go off on his own with this untrustworthy girl, what would happen to him? Wasn't it her responsibility to keep him alive now that she had saved him? Or had she even saved him in the first place? Maybe he would have been fine as he was. She looked at him again, and mentally shook her head. This was something she would have to see through. Regretting every action and word almost immediately, she turned to the girl and said, "We'll follow you." [i]Until I'm sure he's safe,[/i] she added in her mind.