[center][img]http://files.impossible-dream5.webnode.hu/200000001-c9590ca53b/adorable-cute-fashion-girl-hair-photography-Favim.com-64435_original.jpg[/img] [img]http://whyevolutionistrue.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/black-footed-cat.jpg[/img] ~Stands at 4'5 and weighs around 70 pounds~ Lydia Finch 16 Black-Footed Cat- the smallest cat in the world Lydia had always seemed to be a burden to her parents. They hardly ever spoke to her and when they did it was either insults or pointing out what a failure she is as a daughter. As her parents had told her countless of times: she was useless and they were cursed with her instead of the son they dreamed of. Lydia suffered through physical abuse and violence at the hands of her father and verbal abuse at the hands of her mother. This was made all the worse by her fathers alcohol abuse and her mothers drug abuse. Lydia has countless bruises and cuts all over her body. She rarely eats because she was told countless times by her mother that she was too fat and needs to lose weight and she never looks at herself in the mirror because her parents always told her she was ugly. She believed every word, covering her body in large sweaters jeans. She was positive that when she went missing, her parents probably threw a party. Crush-Open She has never been in a relationship before in her life. ­ Lydia is very shy and kind though she is so shy to the point where she can't really talk in front of other people. Having not socialized with anyone Lydia with no knowledge on how to relate to others and so she hardly ever knows what to say or how to act. She tends to blurt a lot of things out without realizing it or thinking about her words. She also gets embarrassed and flustered way too easily; often blushing and hiding her face. Being as innocent as she is to the world, she trusts way too easily and is oblivious about a lot of stuff, especially when it comes to flirting/love or basically any interest thrown her way. She can be very insecure about herself and her body and she tends to second-guess herself a lot. Lydia can become upset very easily and is very sensitive; also being very clumsy and tends to trip over her own feet a lot. Despite all of this however. Lydia also puts others needs before her own and in most cases she reacts without thinking of her own well-being: if someone is being hurt, Lydia will immediately try and protect them with any means possible without even considering herself. She is very, very selfless. Lydia can be very curious and is very easily captivated and awed by even the simplest of objects and things. She is very much like a child in a way. Exactly the same as above except now if she is started or scared she tends to hiss and flash the fangs that grew with her DNA change before then proceeds to dart off and hide somewhere. She is also a lot more scared of things and startles very easily. She is terrified by water, thunderstorms, loud noises, being grabbed suddenly and fighting. She tends to have panic attacks and she hates anyone suddenly touching her; this is what mostly triggers her panic attacks. [/center]