[b]Lily[/b] She blinked, looking down at Matt who was now on the floor, her expression mostly blank. [b]"That's... not quite the reaction I was expecting..."[/b] She chuckled, watching as the other boy picked him up. She would have done so herself, it seems he got there first.. She looked at the boy that he'd been with. A half deer and half boy? She raised a brow. It shouldn't really surprise her anymore. She smiled at the boy. [b]"Hello there. As you probably can guess, I'm Lily. Here, come on. We'll take him to the Nurse's office. Seems like seeing my face was a bit of shock."[/b] She explained, ending with a bit of an awkward laugh. She turned and began walking towards the Nurse's office. Now, [i]that[/i] was one place she remembered well. She looked over at Matt as they walked. Well, it must have been a shock for him. Lily certainly didn't expect to ever see him again. A small smile grew on her lips as she looked down at him. It was nice to see old friends again, at the very least. She looked over her shoulder at the deer boy. She chuckled again as he asked if it was normal. [b]"Well... Yes, actually."[/b] She told him, a bright smile on her face.