Lucy began nodding to Jurano's words."Yes, that sounds like the best option we have so far. A direct strike would prove meaningless, so we might as well stick to the shadows," she said robotically. It was almost like she was just talking to herself with Jurano there to confirm words and pitch in new ideas. "And what if the entrance is boarded up and locked away? We'll have to find a new plan of action. . ." Her voice trailed off, and she looked up at Jurano suddenly.Her eyes met his, and a new light of seriousness was now see. "Jurano Darklight," she began calmly. "I'll ask you once again. Are you aware of the potential danger you now face? Do you still wish to continue this life of rebellion." The red head began tapping her pencil on the table, lost in its rhythmic beat. "There will be trials. And you risk putting all those around you in immediate danger. There are possibilities that you will be captured and interrogated." She looked off into the distance now, no longer meeting his gaze. "It will hurt. All of it. And they will interrogate you because you are a nobody. Just another face to mangle and tear apart." She said this without flinching. "I do not have reason to believe there are others like me. There is a high possibility that it will just be the two of us." "So I inquire you Jurano Darklight. I want to know how willing you're able to go for your freedom. This infiltration will prove your devotion to me in all of its finality. That's all."