"Well excuse me Missy but you shouldn't go around sounding so high and mighty, especially to strangers" Lexy said as she sounded rather displeased, displeased that this younger girl didn't show the same common courtesy that she showed her in introducing herself "And I can handle myself fine, Ever heard of parkour kid? And I am being chased on purpose I know what I am doing, I love the rush that it gives me to be in the hunt I know what I am doing. though now that I'm out of the mood I guess a place to lay low wouldn't hurt. I've got what I aimed to get" Lexy then glanced to Sol for a moment as she started to think, her Hazel eyes then travelling up and down the alleyway as she felt that there were others watching "If you are going to invite me then why don't you invite all the others here as well then 'girl'? It's only fair for all us street kids" She suggested though she stressed the word 'girl' rather harshly, and would continue to do so until she got a name from miss high and mighty.