A lone, green-haired woman viewed the exhibits within the museum, her crimson eyes taking in all the wondrous sights and relics. A pink, folded umbrella hung from the crook of her elbow as she motionlessly stared, her lips curled into the slightest of smiles. This seemed like a fascinating war to the woman. Heroes and villains from all kinds of backgrounds clashing in an epic duel, ultimately resulting in this immortalised state? Oh, if only she had noticed, then Yuuka Kazami might have been tempted to jump in on the action. But alas, she was probably too busy kicking puppies or something when this was all going on. Such a dreadful shame, too... there might have been a really fun opponent somewhere in these ruins. Oh well, at least she'd found a promising shrine maiden and magician back home to play with. And right now she was just taking a stroll outside of said home for the first time in a few hundred years, She'd like to see some flowers that simply couldn't grow in Gensokyo without her aid once more. Visit some memorable areas from her past, see if her antics were still fondly remembered... see some interesting sights like this... The youkai finally broke her gaze to move on to the next exhibit. This war really was fascinating to the youkai. Once again, she wishe she had not missed her chance to play around in it.