Jason shrugged. His mother didn't really have a stance on his curfew as long as he stayed out of trouble. Once the diner closed, she usually hit the sparse bar scene in town until 2am or later. She had some bad habits that kept her from winning arguments over how Jason spent his time as long as he wasn't breaking any laws. It hadn't been too bad when he was a kid, but when he started working the two of them had more money for food, and that was when his mother started drinking her disposable income with more abandon. He kept a savings account to save his money, but he gave her a portion of each paycheck to help feed them. His goal was to live without food stamps and TANF checks one day. "My mom cares about curfews about as much as you do," he said honestly, his eyes wandering over to rear end of a girl that was arranging shirts on a display. He couldn't help it, he was a young man after all. "I don't mind walking around a bit before we go."