Iikka laughed. "Yeah, guilty as charged on the curfew thing. But everything is still closed or closing soon. We can't go to the shop, or to a theater, the library, and while we [i]could[/i] go to the police station and loudly talk about what an awesome show Hannibal is just to piss everyone off, I get the feeling they'd take exception to that." Especially so when one of the delinquents aggravating them was Iikka Guiomar, master of inferential professional-specific insults. He had been voted 'Most likely class student to be seen in the news' for three years running, the cited reason being his tendency to go out of his way to deliberately offend civil servants with casually supplied slights and doubts as to their competence. Most of the police force tolerated this, but there were a few of them who would probably have blown a fuse on a bad day, and Iikka's case history certainly wouldn't have done him any favors then. His observation skills weren't bad either, since he spotted Jason staring off into space and tracked where his gaze was aimed. "Pfft. My friend, you are window shopping in the wrong store. The goods you seek, they are located in the lingerie store thither. Go yonder, and save the damsels clad in shimmering samite from the draconic creatures I shall unleash there. They love that shit." He held up the bag of mealworms dramatically while rolling his eyes. "Really, if you're looking for someone to waste time with other than me, you should probably turn in early tonight and then hit a few parties in the Suberbs tomorrow. Or even try going to a Sharing meeting. Hell, if you played up your disheveled rocker look, I know a few girls at one of those who'd try to tie you to them just to annoy their dads." He knew from firsthand experience, since most of them had asked [i]him[/i] out a few times in the past, much to his dismay. Iikka Guiomar was not a person who devoted much time or energy to romantic prospects, and if he did not laugh in the face of anybody who ever said they cared for him it was a remarkable show of restraint on his part. He was notorious for hitting on girls in the theater department, but he had never seriously pursued a relationship with anybody. "Which was gonna be my point anyway. It's late, everything's shutting down, and your eye candy probably won't take it well if you try and drive it home. Get an early night and enjoy the weekend, I say. We can visit a few hobby shops, play some video games, whatever. World is our Oyster and all that. But it's not going to happen now."