"Later." The otaku waved Isse off. Well, at least that guy wasn't a pain in the butt like the party crasher. The fact that he was not looking for inappropriate things made him feel relieved. He sure did not want to show his bad side just yet. Then, Adenine mentioned something very true. "...You know, actually," Ryuu said to Adenine after thinking about it again, "I'd rather be treated by you. I'm getting a feeling I'll [i]die[/i] if I go in that friggin' infirmary..." "Methinks me wanna meet the doctor, though," Cortez said, her eyes somewhat shining. "M' mean, me technically [i]can[/i] heal other lubbers." What she said was actually true. She had healed her own minor wounds whenever she was injured by something in her adventures as a pirate captain. It had proved to be useful, and even save her life in many dire circumstances. And she had to catch up with her crewmate's incredible recovery rate. Had she not found a way to heal herself, she might have been a pirate captain forever, standing by her skeletal crewmates looking just like them. Ryuu's eyes widened in disbelief. "You? [u]Heal?[/u] [i]How?[/i]" Cortez gave her usual toothy grin as she took out her pistol. She suddenly took out all of the bullets inside it, putting away into a pouch by her hip. After a second's worth of searching, she took out several green pellets suitable for her gun. Loading them into her weapon, she locked the gun's ammunition chamber. She took a step back and, without any hesitation, [b]she shot her own head.[/b] "See?" Cortez said in a somewhat childish manner, somewhat proud to have let others see it. "I'll shoot you once to demonstrate!" Ryuu dumbly asked, "...Huh?" Cortez shot Ryuu's face with her profound-looking gun. The otaku staggered back, struggling to remain standing due to the sheer impact of the bullet, before lowering down an extremely aggravated look. One of the bruises he earned had ironically disappeared. "Adenine," Ryuu said, folding his sleeves up to his shoulders, "I definitely think you should just treat me." Thankfully enough, Cortez's fairly blunt action seemed to lessen the blush on the otaku's face. However, it was because of his flushed condition that prevented him from attacking her. His mind was still wandering off the safe realm of two-dimensional worlds, dangerously setting foot on three-dimensional ones.