aww yisss zombiessssss ----- [Center][Img=][/center] [Center] [b]Name:[/b] Cecily Maison [b]Age:[/b] Eighteen [B]Bio:[/b] Cecily was had always been a quiet and odd child. She found solace and peace in desolate places. Rather than going to a diner or a karaoke place with her friends after school, she would visit abandoned railroads, cabins, etc. Her parents were always supportive and wouldn't interfere; they had always known that Cecily had a different train of thought compared to kids her age. Once the apocalypse turned the world into a chaotic mess, Cecily didn't even appear phased. For the first few weeks, she survived alongside her parents. However, that didn't last too long. They joined a larger group which eventually had a nasty fallout, taking her parent's life alongside. Now Cecily travels and scavenges on her own. [B]Weapons:[/b] Axe, Slingshot & Crowbar [/center] [Hider=Main][Img=][/hider] [Hider=Secondary][img=][/hider] [Hider=Melee][img=][/hider]