[hider=Armani] "Still here. Good to know things are quiet out there. Nah, he already did that this morning, it's my turn now and he's out of breath. Require any back-up for the investigating?Over", the MC replied to Armani. It was a boring job, sitting in a room all day long hearing reports of people who actually went places. Yet, it was safer. While very little Mutated were spotted nowadays in the outer parts of the city, the zombie populace had been increasing somehow. "Armani, new orders from the Gen. Map the area out and locate the major groups of brainless on them. It seems the Defence Force is going to sweep some slums clean. And I know we already have maps, he wants more accurate ones, like where there are stores, usable houses, etc. you know the drill. Also, they want a head count of the zombies. Over." [/hider] [hider=Alexia] Mayor Ellestine followed Alexia. Unlike the mayors before the Apocalypse, the Mayor of Scientea actually knew what professor Darkling was talking about. "Ah yes... The good old days, looking after interns." Ellestine and Darkling entered the Display Hall. She told him about the completed researches. Most were quite extraordinary, but as a Mayor, Ellestine immediately wondered how he would get the resources required to implement the new knowledge in the Trinean society. The High Impulse Modular Frequency Directed Sound Emitter caught his attention purely out of interest, but he decided not to pursue this interest due to a lack of time in his schedule. Chit chatting is not what a Mayor does, they have more important tasks. "Project 7", the Mayor asked Darkling, "have you made a prospect on the costs yet? And how about the side-effects and usability? [i]If[/i] we can use this in the field we won't have to worry about energy for a while and it seems to be a very effective way to deal with the undead." [/hider] [hider=Victoria] "Well, I'll be there", the MC replied, "new orders from the Gen. We need maps of the area and a headcount of zombies and the bigger groups. I know, not sniper duty, but this is urgent. For some reason the big boss wants to move fast. Another sweep or something. Over." [/hider] [hider=Orthrus] "Here, that cup of coffee your researches enjoy so much", a serving lady placed a cup of hot coffee on Ros' desk. "How is the research going?", she asked, "and what were you researching again?" She smiled as she looked at him. Tried her best to make it an ignorant smile. She needed to know, the priest had asked her to find out. [/hider]