[b]Name:[/b] Theron Parmenion [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Race:[/b] Human? Greek? Caucasian [b]Class:[/b] Spymaster [b]Occupation:[/b] Businessman [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.ohspress.com/wolbert/student_files/wd_4th_tri3_2010-11/pennartz_kevin/critics/images/300_theron2.jpg[/img] Not a very tall man, and not very muscular, he has exuded confidence and charisma from a very young age. His hair allowed to grow stylishly long, and his face clean-shaved except for a dark goatee, which he thinks adds to something in his appearance. While not a very large and muscled man, he hired a group of warriors, gladiators and fighting experts to train him in the fighting arts, to great effect. [b]Personality:[/b] There have been many words to describe this one man, but few hit closer to the mark than cold. Indeed, icy. He cares not for the troubles of others, his mind occupied with more important things. Intensely intelligent, with eyes that see more than they had the right to into the hearts and minds of the people around him, slippery and hard to read are also apt words for this man, as he is a proficient actor, never saying what he means, and not always meaning what he says. [b]Backstory:[/b] Born to a lowly Athenian accountant of good name, married to an equally lowly woman of equally good name, hired in service of a rich and powerful Athenian official, they expected their son to walk in their footsteps, growing rich one day as the Roman empire made trade prosperous and safer than it used to be. But they had little mind as to what their child was truly capable of. Almost emotionless, he sometimes startled his tutors with just how intelligent he was, learning to read, write and do maths at a very young age. However, growing up, playing with the children of the rich official, he knew by the time that he was 5 that he wasn't going to be an accountant. He was going to be a nobleman. Learning as much as he could, without letting on that he was learning, of course, from the official, he had a good grasp on how the politics worked in this day and age, and he got to work. At the age of twelve, he discovered that the official was stealing tax money each year to pay for lavish gifts to a mistress that lived nearby, as well as to secretly frequent a brothel in the city. He brought this information to the man, telling him that if he did not increase his father's pay dramatically, as well as take him on as an apprentice, information on his embezzling would regrettably reach the ears of the men that oversaw the tax collections in Rome. And that was how he started. By the time that he was 18 years of age, he already owned a small shipping company out of Athens. Using his skills and a rapidly growing information network, he blackmailed a Roman officer to give his ships an escort on their way to Egypt, Palestine and, more importantly, Rome, while his competitors found themselves falling on very hard times, with ships being lost in storms, to pirate attacks and other such excuses. His growing influence allowed him to purchase his Roman Citizenship, and he moved himself, and his base of operations out of Athens to Rome. His growing influence made him quite welcome there, his businesses growing to something of a monopoly over the Mediterranean, and his informers everywhere, whispering every dark secret that there was to know in every major city. A man to be feared, and never trusted.