[i]"Its huge."[/i] -Ein Nimgrud, Page 1. [b][center]First Blow[/center][/b] --- The Gargoyle's attention had become trained on Alexander Lyre and Wren Vesper while Maher had been dragged away. It grinned viciously as it made for a diving attack at Wren, who was readied for it, and managed to roll out of the way before the attack could land. [b]"You'll never escape!"[/b] It taunted her, having no effect it seemed to be irritated before seeing Maher's attack race for it once again. The attack hits and prevents the Gargoyle from taking flight again to avoid any further attacks for a few moments, and as before, it flinches, stunned in place. Alexander's bullet, thus, easily finds its mark and hits the Gargoyle in the side of the head instead of the eyes, still, the shadowy mark was left behind, as was the pierced stone of the jaw line to reveal not flesh and blood, but a small series of gears which moved as the Gargoyle's mouth moved to mimic speech. [b]"Puny fleshsack, you do not understand... That you cannot kill that which does not live."[/b] In a sudden burst of speed it leaps for Alexander Lyre, hitting him with sufficient force to send him flailing off the hill side. His death was inevitable, until, a few moments later, he ceases moving in mid-air, being caught in a small, golden bubble, and gently lowered to the ground. Some distance in the fog behind Alexander he could see a figure approaching, feminine in appearance, with golden blonde hair and blue eyes that pierced through the fog. It was the help Maher referred to; it was almost there. The Gargoyle's stone lips quiver into a sneer. [b]"Such heavenly things do not belong in a world of rended flesh and ticking clocks."[/b] It mocks, as it moves itself into the air once more. Now, the sound of clockwork and gears became quite audible. Wren snaps her fingers and shouts to the rest of the party. [b]"When it attacks, it needs a few moments of time before it can muster the strength to ascend its humongous form again! When it dives again, those with swords should move in to try and harass it and keep it pinned down!"[/b] Her experience it seems was going to come in handy after all. With that said, she immediately beelines for Maher, knowing he could take it out of the air if he hit another one of those attacks. As for the undead gecko, it clinged to Alexander's shoulder and hissed at the surrounding holy magic barrier that saved his life. It either did not like magic, or did not like holy things. Its empty eye sockets once again stared at him, as though chiding him for not moving when the Gargoyle had landed closer to him [i]before[/i] shooting at it, or something. Still, perhaps a well timed attack could keep the Gargoyle down...