Dave stood there and listened to the child's explanation of "White Walkers" and realized the skeleton indeed did not fit the bright blue skin and eyes appearance, mostly due to the lack of skin and eyes. He also noticed the girl seemed to edge slightly closer to him which was strange, Dave wasn't used to being seen as the safest bet to someone else. He noticed the gash in the skeletons suit and suddenly decided to watch his shirt around the masked man. Dave might have made a remark about it but someone had started to read the scroll that had dropped earlier. Head to Eylae... it was fantastic none of them knew where that was, though the girl reading it assumed it to be the place smelling of death. "Sure let's go, I've marched to death for worse reasons then a scroll telling me to." Dave said in a deadpan manner. Whatever got them out of this place the fastest seemed to be the best bet, though shortcuts had led him wrong before. The masked man who had just been threatening the skeleton suddenly introduced himself as "Zal" and called forth for introductions. The girl next to Dave was apparently named "Arry" and he was sure to learn more names soon. Normally He would give a smartass answer to a question like this but he decided that he would give his real name for the convenience of not having to explain himself later. "I'm Dave." He gave plainly, they weren't on a full name basis yet. Now that his introduction was out of the way Dave had a moment to examine the merry band of travelers better for a second. There was Zal, the boy masked wonder; Arry, the only one seeming to acknowledge him; a woman in leather attire, the one who had just read off the scroll; a well dressed skeleton, the one who had just been threatened for being a nice guy; and another light haired kid, another one who seemed to be taking this as calmly as he was. It was certainly an interesting group to be gallivanting with.