“Okay then. We’ll see you guys tomorrow. Hopefully.” He said to Anedine and Ryuu. She seemed to be talking to him but he didn’t really hear what she was saying. He then turned to Jeanne. “C’mon, let’s go to the infirmary.” He said. It was duty time again. Talking to strangers, girls, ladies or in public was more than hard for David. Except when there was a sort of duty involved in it. He wanted to live by something he called a gentleman’s honor. For some reason, whenever something was bound with duty by honor, he’d do it without second guessing it. Mostly that involved in helping people. He just told himself that he didn’t need to be confident to do that. He just had to do it. He then escorted Jeanne outside to head for the infirmary. The sun had long since fallen and a certain darkness ruled the outside now. It was also getting pretty cold. David took of his hoodie and handed it over to Jeanne with the words: “Here. It’s cold and I don’t want you to catch something nasty.” He said with a normal, yet slightly confident voice which is rather unlike his normal voice. But next to that, he didn’t really know what to talk about. So he just stayed silent.