Kaiz's loud obnoxious voice brought Tilt's attention back to the conversation. "I think we should join the Military Police!" He looked up to find the group looking at him, waiting for his response, he sighed and shook his head theatrically "Comeon Kaiz, You don't think all four of us made it into the top ten do you?" He glanced pointedly at Kaiz, who's cheeks flushed a sudden rosey colour, Anya choked down a laugh and raised an eyebrow "Don't be unfair Tilt, he was just showing us what not to do... right sis?" she glanced at Arya who had done the best in the manoeuvre gear. "I'm sure that without watching you plough head first into the ground, I never would have managed to stay upright cus." Kaiz looked from Anya to Arya then burst out laughing, his infectious laughter had them all laughing along in moments. After they'd all calmed down Arya spoke up. "We should join the Survey Cor-" She was interrupted as Anya's elbow met her side, Anya spoke over the muffled coughing. "The Garrison!" Tilt considered a moment, he knew where he wanted to go, but would they come with him? "All the garrison does is guard the wall, where's the excitement? we might get to fire a cannon once every year, if that even, in the garrison. I say we should join the Survey Corps" Kaiz looked agreeable, Arya was beaming but Anya looked just a bit nervous. "What d'you guys think?" They all motioned their agreement, Anya just a bit slower than the others. There was a moments silence as they all accepted their decision, then Arya tripped Anya and the conversation moved onwards...