[B][U]Kurisa[/U][/B] [Hider=Otto Sieghard][center]Otto Sieghard (Oz) [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/269/1/8/snk_stryker_wip_by_trupink-d6o2wpq.png[/img] (It may be a W.I.P Picture but you get the idea) Age: 25 Gender: Male Ethnicity: German/Caucasian Personality: Otto is a straight to the point guy, he wont mess around when it comes to doing his job. He can be easy going but that entirely depends on the given situation. Although Otto takes is role seriously he is still up for a laugh when he the time is right. If Otto is messed around or someone fails to follow orders he is not above killing the person himself...One thing Otto despises is people without the heart to do this job...he and many others are truly risking their lives for the greater of Humanity and those without the heart to protect Humanity and their comrades are no better than the Titan they kill... (I will still likely RP most of it out but you get the main point. He's serious when he has to be and will lay back and relax if there is reason to) History: (I would prefer to reveal this through the RP Although there really wouldn't be to much to say) Skills: 3D Maneuvering Gear: 20/20 Battle Skill: 19/20 Initiative: 17/20 Intelligence: 17/20 Strategy: 15/20 Teamwork: 13/20 Relationships: I'll wait to do this Other: Otto always wears his eye patch and also usually goes topless no matter what, mostly when fighting. His jacket is only rarely worn and most of the time he will ask a member of his team to hold onto it and guard it with their life[/center][/hider] [hider=Kurisa][center]Kurisa [img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/b3155155f497f5723a406bb86aaf76371398874360_full.png [/img] (Dark Brown Hair, Dark Brown Eyes) Age: 17 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Austrian/Caucasian Personality: Kurisa is a fairly easy going, fun loving guy however he will be serious when it comes to doing his job and he wont mess around when doing it. Kurisa has also been noted to steal things...mostly food, this is just in his nature due him being an orphan and often ran away and survived on his own by doing such things as stealing so it is just a part of who he is. However he is a fairly nice guy although can show a cold side at times. Kurisa does take the job he will have and has seriously, he signed up not only so he had somewhere to actually live but so he had something to protect, something important to him, something to actually live for...although that is almost contradicting in the line of work. Basically Kurisa wanted to feel at least a little important and help humanity break free from it's sorry prison, the Titans are intimidating to him but he doesn't let that get the better of him...he has to remember why he joined and what he is fighting for and he finally then feels he can defeat these Titans no matter what. History: Kurisa was born into a rather poor family and at a pretty young age, an age before he could even remember his parents disappeared...why is a mystery but he just assumed they either abandoned him, were murdered by either Humanity or Titans or just arrested for crimes. This however was what he thought as he grew up, Kurisa was and always had been an orphan from a young age and really he hated it...no one was there for him, he even came up with his own name as the one he was given he disliked, he had to do it all for himself and in the end that's just what he got used to, doing things for himself. He would often run away and steal things and live out on the streets and survive...he felt he had independence that way, he felt free...however it eventually dawned on him that he wasn't free...he escaped from one Prison right into another and at the moment he knew what he wanted to do in life...he had seen them everywhere, the ones that fought to protect Humanity, they risked their lives every day to save people...he wanted that...to not only protect Humanity despite how rotten and corrupt it had become but to help Humanity fight back against the Titans and expand outside of the walls they call home...there was more to this world and Kurisa wanted to see this and was willing to fight for it...to die for it... (I will do a more detailed one eventually however this will act as a small insight) Skills: 3D Maneuvering Gear: 2 Battle Skill: 1 Initiative: 1 Intelligence: 1 Strategy: 1 Teamwork: 1 Relationships: Will add later on Other: For the Titans! wait whut?[/center][/hider]