The airbenders are finally back.... But for how long? [i]Avatar Aang was known as "The Last Airbender" for being imprisoned in ice for one-hundred years. His youngest child Tenzin was the first Airbender to be born in over one hundred years. out of his three children, Tenzin was the only airbender. He had four children, which all were able to bend air since birth. they were the true start to rebuiling the Air nomads, and re-introducing them into the world. Avatar Korra was the end of the original cycle of Avatars, and the start of the next cycle. She was well known for stopping the equalist leader, Amon, from continuing to use his abilities to remove one's bending. Later on, she was also the avatar who binded the physical and spirit worlds together, allowing travel between the two freely.[/i] [i]a little over a hundred years later, Avatar Korra died from old age, surpassing one-hundred years of age. That same day, Avatar Hato was born. His masterey of the elements was quick, but he failed to protect himself when his home village became in danger. He sacrificed his life to save it, and he only hoped that his efforts weren't in vain. Each of the four grandchildren of Avatar Aang went off and started their own families, spreading the ability to bend air all around the world. their grandfather's wish had now been achieved, now over one-hundred and sixty years later. The airbending population has begun to thrive, and are becoming a normal part of life to see them filling the airtemples, and sometimes wandering the other great nations.[/i] [i]Now, the world has faced a new threat, rouge benders. As they saw the airbenders returning, they believed that they no longer had a place on the earth, and were to be eliminated. with the recent death of Avatar Hato, a firebender took his place. His name was Masuto Takumi. Although he lacked the traditional fire nation name, firebending was in his blood, and from a young age, he was very experienced. Recently, the rouge benders have started to openly attack the Airbenders, hoping to wipe them from existance. As the Avatar tradition goes, Masuto has not learned about being the avatar, yet. His destiny is to stop the Rouge benders from killing any more of the airbenders, and stop whoever is leading them.[/i]