[quote=Expllo] After hearing their comments Alannah nodded, clasping her hands she looked between the two. She glared at what Ryan said about the trainees holding them back but decided to let up, her eyes softening and her lips tugging into a soft smile. It was just a joke, she wouldn't get mad over it. "I understand what you two are saying, but we do need good soldiers and fast, atleast with the small amount we have. Ryan, if you're worried about trainees holding you back then look for those proficient in teamwork. In that case, they'll work together and won't be so...Dependent on you saving their asses all the time. As for you Otto, you can look for the trainees that are good at fighting and seem to take this seriously....More seriously than the others atleast. That way you have a stronger team and those that don't joke around. We'll be taking them out to clear Titans first thing in the morning, that way we can study the trainees and see what they're like aside from their reports from training. I hope that suits you two well?" Alannah raised a single eyebrow at the two.Alexandria sat in the cafeteria in the training camp alone. Swallowing her bread she then took a sip of her drink to wash it down, she wasn't at all nervous about the graduation soon. She was confident in her skills, and her intelligence, surely she'd make it to the top ten. She was thinking of joining the Military Police but decided to Survey Corps because of...., but she wouldn't think of him right now. Alexandria finished her meal and wiped her mouth with a napkin before standing up and going outside. She walked past Dante in which they glanced at each other, no use glaring or arguing, big day was today and they didn't need to cause a scene just before.Dante took a sigh and ran his hand through his hair, shaking through it a bit. He really didn't want to do this, but he had no choice but to join the Scouting Legion. Tradition, it was some tradition alright. He saw Alison up ahead and stopped putting his hands in his pockets, what he beauty. He scanned her body causing his cheeks to become red, he looked away as he ran his hand through his hair again giving a sigh as the color escaped his cheeks bringing back his light brown complexion. He wondered where she would go, he hopped somewhere safe like Garrison or the Military Police if she was high enough, which he had no doubt about. But knowing her, he knew she would join the Scouting Legion just like him, atleast he had more of a reason to join the Scouting Legion, because he wanted to protect her. Walking up behind her he cleared his throat to get her attention, "Hey, Alison.....Nervous about today?" he asked as he tried to spark a conversation. [/quote] Ryan nodded, taking that to mean that he would be choosing his team from the recruits. [i]I'll have to break their habit of teamwork as they get better, I guess... Unless they want to die if one or two of their allies die...[/i] He sighed, closing his eyes slightly "Alright... I'm going to head down there I guess so I don't have to get the heaviest dead weights for being late..." He turned, putting up a hand in a slight wave as he walked out through the door. After leaving, he debated practicing with his maneuver gear a little before heading to the place where trainees graduated, but decided against it, since he might need extra gas to provide... one or two examples of how to use it. --- Alison had still been thinking about everything when a familiar voice had interrupted her thoughts. She turned, smiling at Dante, "Oh, hey Dante. No, I'm not nervous, actually, I'm pretty excited. I mean, we're all going to be allowed to choose where we go, so I can't let myself be nervous and make a decision I won't be happy with... What about you?" She asked this partially as a question of whether he knew where he was going or not, as well as a continuation to their conversation. She figured they should probably start heading to the place they need to be soon or they'd be late, so she decided that if he didn't suggest they start walking over, she would as soon as he was done talking. She didn't want to be late to help humanity, did she?