[center][b]Other Characters[/b] [i]I might have stacked the deck high, Mr. Spade, but this is your world too. Feel free to use or abuse anything in the toolbox below. This post will be edited to show characters that are playable by both of us. Bios and Status updates will be applied as the story progresses. If a character should graduate from minor to major, they will be deleted from this list and given their own CS. If you wish to submit a brief entry, submit in PM so that I can add it here without OOC getting messy. [/i][/center] [hider=Faerie][center][b]Faerie[/b] *Enlightened suggests that the character is aware of Avan's death. *Unenlightened means precisely the opposite. [/center] [u]Selene[/u] Current Status: Alive and Unenlightened Race: Elf Bio: Best friend and body guard of Helen Fenten. Skilled in the art of knife throwing and possessing the rare ability to take on the forms of others, Selene is truly a force to be reckoned with. Her former ties with the Sea Tigers possibly have something to do with her cousin Alistar, however she has since shifted her alliance. Her reasonings for this are unknown, although her dedication and unrequited love for her Queen are certainly evident. That being said, can [i]any[/i] shapeshifter really be trusted? [u]Tahl[/u] Current Status: Alive and Enlightened Race: Satyr Bio: Professor at Central Forest University. At his core he believes in idealism. Emphasizing how human and faeire ideas—especially beliefs and values—shape the present society. [u]Nimmy[/u] Current Status: Alive and Enlightened Race: Dryad Bio: A student at Central Forest University. She has the ability to generate large amounts of acidic saliva. Her bond with Ulrich and Avan are suggested to run deeper than they appear-- although to what extent remains to be seen. Currently in a critical but stable state within Ulrich's kingdom after managing to escape capture. She claims to have killed the thug Pineapple in self-defense. Her track record of convincing lies and subtle deceptions may make her story unreliable. [u]Hector Filbert Faust[/u] Current Status: Alive and Unenlightened Race: Orc Bio: Ironically perhaps, with his indiscriminate killing, it could be argued that one Hector Filbert Faust is the [i]least[/i] racist person in the story so far (albeit, his preferences for young females suggest sexism). He's in his mid thirties and is entirely indifferent to the brooding rebellion. Having chosen to take up residence within the city, Central Forest tends to house the majority of his despicable crimes. With murders against both Fae and human communities, Hector is left skilled in the art of cover ups and clean get aways. Ulrich alone took weeks to track him down; his latest attempt to escape from The Boy King has ultimately lead to their capture. It is said that because of his criminal status, he has ties with other shady characters. [u]Dirk Aearhil[/u] Current Status: Alive and Enlightened Race: Elf Bio: An elf with no alignment but possess ties to both main factions. Some say he's not too bright, and he'll be the first to admit this-- although this isn't entirely correct. Dirk Aearhil's true problem lies within his own dwindling sense of self-worth. Recently, plagued with hallucinations of ghostly forms, he tends to lash out at seemingly inappropriate times. If it weren't for the fact that he could see beyond the veil of the physical realm, he might have followed his friend Thistle into Ulrich's hazy kingdom after being unceremoniously dropped from the Sea Tigers. Currently he secretly hopes that by aiding Damien and Helen-- he will be forgiven for his erratic outburst and reenlisted back into the Sea Tigers. [u]Thistle[/u] Current Status: Alive and Unenlightened Race: Sprite Bio: A feisty sprite within Ulrich's Monarchy. Best friend and confidant to Dirk. Though her manner of phrasing isn't eloquent, she is wise and honest. She is left in charge by default as Ulrich, Helen and Selene have vanished.[/hider] [hider=Techie][center][b]Techie[/b][/center] [u]Boss Lady[/u] Current Status: Alive Bio: Not much is known. Supposedly in charge of operation conducted on the night of Ulrich's kidnapping. [u]Gideon [/u] Current Status: Alive Bio: Not much is known about him so far, other than that he holds a position of authority. Last seen leading a cluster of vessels down Sea Tiger territory on the night of Ulrich's kidnapping. Working under Boss Lady's orders. [u]‘Nade cather + Pineapple[/u] Current Status: Alive/Presumably Deceased Bio: Two lower level thugs, of which Pineapple is presumably killed in the pursuit of the Dryad Nimmy. [u]Verona Spider[/u] Current Status: Presumably Alive Bio: The only known information is that she is the daughter of New York's senior senator. It is rumored that she had romantic ties with Avan. [u]Mrs. Fenten[/u] Current Status:Alive Bio: Helen's over protective mother, it was her idea for her daughter to move back in with her after the trauma caused by Avan's death. Despises Damien O'Shalna for what she calls a 'breach of trust'. Having always been closeted as a racist, her previous misgivings for him were in her mind justified when Helen vanished. As she hardly knows Ulrich, or anything about factions or the details of rebellion outside of news Streams, she tends to ignore facts, and nurses a growing hatred for Damien. Recently, it was revealed in an older voice message she has been seeing someone romantically. [u]Abby[/u] Current Status: Alive Bio: Helen's younger sister. She's infatuated with both O'Shalna brothers, typical techie kid on the bring of emancipation [nearly 18 years of age]. She's known to be gullible and easily manipulated. [/hider]