Farrow [i]Dead? Did she come back from the dead? Don't tell me that she's a zombie or a ghost...[/i] Either way, it wasn't any of Farrow's business if she was undead or not. "Alright, must been quite a shock for him then~" Handing the boy over, Farrow went on to answer Lily's question. "My name is Farrow... I don't have much to say about myself, I'm just your average mage with some skills in archery and potioncraft, nothing special." He shrugged, at least he was humble. "And... I don't really know about what I am... A centaur? I never knew my parents so I can't really say anything about my species, I was raised by a human. Personally, exactly what I am isn't too important to me, as long as I'm well off and healthy, I don't really care." He trotted off upon being told to hurry up, staying right next to her, "I'd offer to let you ride on my back, but I can only carry a maximum of 1 person at a time." He wasn't one of those giant horse centaurs after all. [i]Please me alright Matt...[/i]