As jagged behemoth approached, Phil watched in dumb-found awe. His training with Zatanna had not prepared him for this. Already Apollo and Shock attempted to attack the beast, and had been fended off easily. [i] At least Patriot is here,[/i] Phil though. [i]We really need all the power we can get. Hopefully Apollo can still use his light powers without his gear.[/i] Phil heard Patriot warn his teammates about attacking Doomsday head on, then saw Plastic Man promptly attack Doomsday head on. The man was crazy, but he had a good idea, if maybe a bit hastily executed. [i]We need to hold him so that one of the others can take advantage of the weak spot Ditto saw,[/i] Phil thought. As Patriot started to attack Doomsday, Phil began weaving a binding spell.[i] Hopefully between Plas and I, we can hold him long enough for someone to get off a shot.[/i] With a wave of his glowing hands, Phil cast the spell. A golden aura flashed around the young magician as he reached into the power of Nabu, Lord of Order. Golden chains erupted from the ground around Doomsday’s feet, wrapping themselves around his legs, twisting their way up his body, and slipping under Plastic Man’s rubbery grip. Doomsday roared in deviance, refusing to allow Plastic Man and Phil’s magic from stopping him without a fight. The chains strained against the beast’s struggles, but held, for now. “Patriot! Apollo! Take the shot now!” Phil yelled to his teammates, straining to keep the spell in place. “I’m not sure how long this will last! Hold on Plas! Just a little bit longer!"