"Oooh, my head," Rick groaned as he lifted his heavy eyes. The last thing he remembered was getting into a fight with some demon monster while helping a friend at this abandoned village, and then it was all black. He gave out a second groan as he felt his hands above his head, bleeding and of no use to him. [i]Now how am I going to get out of here?[/i], he thought groggily. As he was thinking that, he heard voices and the sound of cell doors being opened. "Hello?" he called out, once his vision cleared he saw a young girl was the one opening doors. "Hey, you," he said, trying to get her attention, "could you get me outta here?" Then, before the girl could respond, he asked, "Where is here anyway?" Once the he and the girl had made the agreement that all the other prisoners seemed to be making, he was soon out of his cell and walking to relieve himself of all his aches and pains.Rick then began looking around, he saw he was in a stereotypical dungeon, with an odd assortment of prisoners. He saw a door and guessed that since this was a stereotypical dungeon, that there would be a stereotypical monster on the other side. Rick groaned again, this was turning out to be a really bad day. With that grim thought, he, hoping it would work, willed his dagger to be in his hand.