A lone human figure hung from his wrist supported by a length of iron chain. The only occupant of damp and dark cell was unarmed and unconscious-- at least at first. The figure began to stir as a single drop of cool water tapped him upon the brow to then run down his face. Like a splash of water the man was slowly raised from his comatose state. Diēscogitō Khan blinked the weariness from his eyes even as he shook the cobwebs from his mind. Confusion was itched on his face as he slowly took in his dark surroundings. The only light coming off from a few wall torches outside of what appeared to be a cell. He tried to move, and then found he could not. He gazed up at his shackled hands and grimaced as a wave of nausea swept through him. Perhaps the after effects of whatever hand rendered him unconscious in the first place. He quickly took stock of himself; first he had a pounding headache, but thankfully it was slowly receding. His arms along with one of his legs still felt half asleep, they tingled with that odd sensation due to lack of movement. He flexed his arms and the strange tingling intensified for a short time. While they recovered he studied his surroundings. His cell was fairly small, possessing a single stool and a bucket in one corner. Currently Diēscogitō hung from a chain of iron built into the wall above him-- his feet barely touching the ground. He found he could relieve the pressure on his arms by standing on his toes. With a sharp intake of breath he began to pull with all his considerable might on the chains. But they didn’t budge. Giving up on that he drew his attention to his surroundings once more. His back felt cold and wet against the flagstone wall from the water dripping down from the ceiling. He could see other cells out in the gloom but could not make out their occupants. It was then he heard the distinct sound of keys. Moments later what appeared to be a small girl came to his cell door, offering him a deal he could hardly turn down. Or Believe for that matter. His only answer was a nod. Diēscogitō rubbed his wrist as he tried to get circulation back into his hands. He stepped from out of the dark cell into the moderately lite hallway and saw others also recently freed. Now in more light he could see he still had his leather vestments, but of course his prized bow was gone. His Draythikon mask was gone, but that was probably for the best. His clan did not have the best reputation to many. With a heavy sigh he cleared his throat, only now realizing how badly he needed a drink of water. "So...anyone know where we are?" He asked quietly to no one in particular. He did not recognize any of these people, but they seemed to all be in the same boat hopefully some one knew something.