Xia watched from the top of one of the obstacle courses as more and more trainees came in. Well, she guessed that after today, they won't be trainees anymore. She knew a few where going to join her in the Survey Corps, others with the Garrison. She also knew that none of them, not even the best, were going to be part of the Military Police. It was both amicable and foolish; she liked that they wanted to serve as an active part of humanity's survival, it's a shame it's only because many of them wanted to fight titans like they were just going to be chasing after wild animals. Titans in general may not be "Smart" but to dismissed them as stupid, unthinking beast would likely make you end up in their stomachs. Xia felt they were all way to easy-going with what they were getting themselves into; they acted less like soldiers and more like boisterous hunters. She supposed that deep inside many of them still fear the titans, she just wished that they would show it more than their usual cocky attitudes. More and more people began to show up, oddly putting Xia at ease. It was because of her optimism telling her that surely, with so many graduating, the chance that all of them dying would be much lower than last year. Not that she knew what those numbers were, but that would make things easier. She smiled to herself, even though she sat far away from where most of the others were grouped at. Her isolation went unnoticed, both by the graduates at large and Xia herself.