[img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/ae419932f30508dae59fac37679a4612/tumblr_inline_myxydswPkH1qgp297.jpg[/img] [hider=Animal][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-l_QqE5fE-Xg/UhNtr0th87I/AAAAAAAAHFI/2LwMxoHQMWA/s1600/eb7b2ccaa3178a3d999486cce9165c90.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Jaden Deveroux [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Animal:[/b] Horse (Black Stallion) [b]History:[/b] Jaden comes from a dysfunctional family that seems to never stay out of trouble. His dad is the current governor of the city and has been cheating on his wife, Jaden' mom, for years with prostitutes. She knows about them, but decides to stay quiet to keep up appearances of being a perfect family. Meanwhile behind closed doors, his mom is very passive aggressive to her husband, referring to the women he sleeps with as numbers. Even though they always threaten to leave each other, they never do. Because of their parents constant bickering, and his father in office, they never have time for Jaden or his younger sister who is bipolar and a schizophrenic if she doesn't take her medication. With the lack of family dynamic, Jaden is somewhat of a loner and doesn't rely on the help or the companionship of other people. He has little friends at school and just goes there to get things done and to leave, hoping to move away from his hellish family. He's often pressured to be the perfect son and threatened not to make the family look bad or he wouldn't receive his trust fund. Not to mention he's closeted about his sexuality due to his father's conservative Republican views, even going as far as to try to get same sex marriage banned. His life soon changed when a field trip had gone wrong and he found himself locked up with a crazy mad scientist. The rest is history. [b]Crush:[/b] Open [b]Relationship:[/b] Single [b]Old Personality:[/b] Jaden was a loner who preferred to keep to himself. He was very anti-social and had a very cold demeanor about him. He was very sarcastic and blunt when he spoke to people which caused others to stay away from him. This attitude was merely a facade to hide his buried emotions of having a bad family and the pressure to make himself look perfect. He lived his true life as a lie, knowing what he truly desired. But since he couldn't have it, he chose to be alone. [b]New Personality:[/b] Jaden has learned to not take things for granted. He misses having a life and wants to make something of it instead of living in fear of what his parents say. He wants to be free. Having horse DNA, he's become more loyal and dependent. Even though his acquired DNA requires him to flee from danger, he fights it everyday, wanting to be more brave and to take danger head on. Jaden has still kept his sarcastic attitude and has learned to be quick witted, having a crude but hilarious sense of humor. You have to have something being locked up for months.