[b]Name:[/b] Zinzie Searoby [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Race:[/b] Human/Witch [b]Country of Origin:[/b] Kaymari [b]Personality:[/b] Very upbeat and chipper. Although a bit eccentric, he's pretty hard to hate. He also loves to sing, and does so pretty often. [b]Appearance:[/b] He's a tall, thin shaped man. Zinzie stands at 6'3" with a lanky build. His skin is an olive tone, and his hair is curly and dark brown. His eyes are almond shaped and a chocolate brown. He likes jewelry, colorful and loose fitting clothing, and beads in his hair, but since his abduction, he hasn't had any of those luxuries. He's barely clothes in dirty rags, hair long, unruly and caked with mud, and anything of any value has been stolen from him. [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnwdcu7sW41qasifeo1_500.png[/img] [b]Combat Skills:[/b] A pretty fair fighter. He possesses mild magic abilities that aid him in combat. [b]Adventuring & Survival Skills:[/b] Well traveled, a good leader, pretty resilient. He's fairly practiced at potion making, if he can get his hands on proper ingredients. [b]Reason for traveling:[/b] He wants to get back home. [b]History:[/b] Zinzie was born to a human mother and a witch father. He grew up in a traveling caravan with a lifestyle akin to that of gypsies. When his caravan was attacked by thieves, they went into hiding. Zinzie was captured by the determined thieves and drug off to Kaymari to their base of operations. They hoped to torture the caravan's whereabouts out of him, but a year has passed and he hasn't given up any information yet. The long, painful time away from home may or may not have messed with his head a little bit.