Despite the rough Flak, all the gunship in Eureka´s group made it to the forward CP. However, as soon as they landed it became clear that one of them will not be able to continue in the fighting with them. The Laarties engine broke down the moment it was hovering above the ground and one side of the gunship hit the ground with an audible thud - a second later, the pilot placed down the gunship completely. This worried Silver a lot - they lacked one gunship, which meant thirty two troopers and lots of firepower to support them. And since they were, according to the data feed from the CP the unit that will be advancing deeply into enemy held territory, it was a significant loss. When he was given the green light for take off, he closed the doors on his gunships and made his way towards their destination - towards a zone of Lucrehulk - Class ships. He listened to Falcon´s instructions with great care, as the role of his group was to protect the advance of the 67th Legion. [b]" Confirming Falcon´s words, Count Dooku was indeed spotted. His escorts blasted off several gunships from the skies - the fools spent all their rockets trying to harm the Lucrehulks. What a waste."[/b] He was more upset about ignoring standard pilot protocol - wasting ammunition on targets you can´t damage enough is a waste. They could use those rockets against the Count. Whatever time Silver had to think, it was over. He spotted several Lucrehulks in front of Eureka and grabbed the controls more tightly.[b]" Alright, brothers, the situation is - I will be setting you down before the canyons that are just ahead of us. Air command from the Resilient is currently now allowing any flights beyond this line. The air space there is entirely under enemy control - those geonosian fighters are not much of a threat, but according to the images our scouts got before being shot down implicates a galaxy wide record in the amount of flak emplacements. We are not allowed to fly in that zone, so you will have to knock out several of them. Once they are down, you will have full air support at your disposal. Just make sure to mark the position so the Resilient can give us the green light. Good luck, comrades."[/b] With his last sentence, he placed Eureka into a slow dive, and a few seconds later, the Laartie was hovering above the ground with its doors being opened.