Friza had just taken cover behind a wall, thinking of his next move. Stephanie popped a shot right into the back of one of the CTs, Noob shot another with an EXPLODING PLASMA PISTOL, and Edmodo was being dumb as always. What the hell could he do? Friza looked over, and saw a CT about to (try to) kill Edmodo. He immediately leaped into action! "HEY! STUPID GUY! BEHIND YOU!" Friza grabbed his eternally-hot-soup bottle, teleported closer to the CT, and lobbed it at him. It burst open, shattering glass and the delicious brothy goodness all over the counter terrorist. It apparently acted as incendiary damage to the CT, because he started grunting like most FPS characters do when they're being hurt. "[b]AAAAGH! I HATE INCENDIARY ROUNDS!!!!!!!!"[/b] The CT whirled around and fired at Friza, thankfully the incendiary damage made his aim bounce, so most of the shots missed terribly. Down goes another CT, this one's body stretching horrifically and flying into the air and out of sight. "Behold the power of SOOOOOUP!!!!!" Friza held up his hand, and the fragments of the bottle and the soup it held reformed seamlessly in his hand, his stance making him look like a certain skirt-wearing elf.