Tristan was sitting silently. His sister had fallen asleep and it seemed Johnny had settled down somewhat. He perked up when he heard the radio. It was good news people had made it out of the base but it still was just a little hope. They still had to find a save place for everyone. Looking out the window Tristan saw a pink little shoe sitting on the sidewalk. As they drove past that little pink shoe his thoughts filled with so many things. He hated to think were the owner of that shoe was and what had happened to the small child. He closed his eyes for just a second trying to push away his thoughts. Otto pulled to a stop. Looking up he seen they had made it, two other cars were already there. Tristan was just about to wake Jade up but Otto beat him to it. Jade slowly woke up she almost forgot where she was but the memories flooded back once her eyes meet Otto’s. She nodded slightly once Otto gave his little speech to the small group. Jade and Tristan got out slowly, Tristan made sure the door was not shut completely just in case they had to make a fast get away, He went to Jade letting her grab onto his arm. “It will be dark soon.” Jade said, looking up at Tristan while following Otto. “Don’t worry we should be able to find a place to hold up just for the night soon. Let us just see about these people first.” Tristan pushed Jade away from Johnny and more toward Otto. He did not trust Johnny just yet. Jade was about to say something before Otto reached the car that held the new unknown people when out of nowhere a bang filled the air, not even seconds go by than a horn was being constantly laid upon. Jade squeezed her brother Tristan's arm digging in her long fingernails into his skin, enough to bring about blood. "What is going on? What if the rabid people hear it?" She and Tristan looked back searching wildly for the sores of the noise.