Mind if I join? I love fantasy RPs. Name: Darcy Age: 23 (4 years since she was turned.) Gender: Female Species: Vampire Appearance: [hider=Darcy] [img]http://gelembungsabun.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/gothic-anime-girl-beautiful-beauty-black-hair.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Darcy is usually quiet, but when she speaks, her voice is very calming. She is a bit of a perfectionist, always trying to hide her weaknesses. She is very kind and loving, as well as loyal to her friends and those above her. She is very stealthy and sneaky, which she uses to her advantage. She often tries to conceal her past and focus on the future, but she's been unable to let go. She prefers not to eat humans, but her natural attraction to them is irresistible. Darcy is also very intelligent and clever. Weapons: She carries a dagger with her just incase her fangs seem to fail her. Power: Telekinesis. Guest/Worker: Guest How you intend to use your humans: Food, mostly. She also uses them to hone her hunting skills. Relationships: None. Bio: When Darcy was born, she was abandoned by her human parents and taken to an orphanage where she would spend most of her life. She closed herself off from the other kids as well as the staff members to avoid being rejected. The other children would always tease her for being so anti-social. No one wanted to adopt her because of these reasons. When she turned eighteen, she moved out of the orphanage and into her own apartment, and even had her own job with steady income. She enrolled in college to start a career, and eventually, she started opening up to others. One day, when she was nineteen, she started dating for the first time. She had her boyfriend over for a study date, but unfortunately, he wasn't there just to study. He told Darcy that he was a vampire, and he proposed to her. Darcy tried to reject, but he didn't go away. He transformed her into a vampire so they could be married, but Darcy fought back and stabbed him in the heart with a kitchen knife. She's been forced to go into hiding ever since. She is now twenty-three, and she is a new resident at the hotel. Other: Mental